there were a widely accepted thesis
about business tenets, then one
of the foremost would be “Either
low cost OR design and innovation”
– both cannot coexist. Our
investment philosophy actually
begins with challenging the above
credence! Not only can the ostensibly
conflicting capabilities coexist,
their working in unison will be
the new paradigm for success in
the forthcoming years. At Crossover
we foresee a bold approach to
transforming the future. We reject
the notion of an apparent tradeoff
between low cost on the one hand
and design and innovation on the
other. Instead we innovate around
them to produce a creative resolution.
Our resolution is to feature the
relative global cost efficiency
of China combined with the design
and innovation from India –
hence, “China
and India”
to advance “Low
Cost AND Design and Innovation”.
Crossover is committed to espouse
the new paradigm and will strive
to make it a cornerstone of its
investment philosophy.
We seek investments that proffer
strategic reasons for operating
in India and China. Our business
model embodies the intellectual
capital and globally comparable
management talent and systems
from India as well as the mass
production capabilities of China
for global markets. Crossover
is well positioned to make investments
that have a simultaneous China
and India influence.
Our investments will predominantly
be targeted at mid sized businesses
that have high growth potential,
deal with domestic as well as
international demand, and are
rapidly scalable. They will encompass
industries and sectors that provide
the potential to leverage the
core competencies of both China
and India, as also provide multiple
market access to the huge growing
domestic markets in India and
China; and thereby generate additional
value for our investors.
To mitigate investment risk, Crossover
may on certain occasion co-invest
with other prominent funds in
these regions. Beyond risk mitigation,
such a strategy enables us to
participate in select deals that
acquiesce high returns, leverages
the valuable resources of our
combined organizations, abridges
the due diligence process, and
enables a multitude of favorable
exit scenarios. With the foregoing
in mind, Crossover is steadily
developing strategic alliances
with a number of global funds
and institutions. At Crossover,
we emphasize collaborative efforts
that provide synergy and that
add value to our investments.
Unlike some of the western economies,
Asia has traditionally evolved
a collaborative style in the investment
space since it is generally more
beneficial to aggregate resources
and apply them to achieve shared
goals and objectives.